That’s where Kate gets her beautiful hair from.

After the announcement that we’d be welcoming our third daughter into our family, Jack received his fair share of playful taunts and jabs about being surrounded by so many women.  It’s true he’s severely outnumbered–even fifteen of the eighteen farm animals on our property are female and the remaining males are either castrated or slightly effeminate, like Monty, the momma rooster.

Still, being overcome with girls doesn’t bother Jack.  He makes the best of the situation and loves his daughters as much as he would a son.  He gives frequent pony rides . . .

 . . . teaches them his barbequing secrets . . .

(regardless of the weather)
. . . can be as silly as any child . . .
(like pretending to be a caged monkey at the zoo)
. . . shows them them how to build and use tools . . .
(and sometimes acts as the step stool)
. . . shares with them his love of flying . . .

(Baby Kate’s a little young to be joining in the fun just yet)

. . . in more ways than one. . .

. . . fetches kites snagged in trees . . .
(or at least tries to)
. . . rides on the carousel until dizzy . . .
. . . spends hours playing outside . . .
. . . teaches them the value of hard work . . .
. . . and that hard work can be fun . . .
. . . and loves them as a good father should.
I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do for his girls.

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6 Responses

  1. There's something so sweet about a Daddy and his daughter(s)! My sister and her husband have three girls too!

    We have one daughter and one son and my daughter has a terric relationship with her dad. I love seeing it.

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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