
In the whirlwind that’s been 2020, I got to wrap it by turning the big 3-7. Although it’s not a particularly exciting age or a milestone by any means, it’s a rather wonderful time to be alive.

I always kind of assumed that by the time I was old (and 30’s was old in my child mind), I would be better than I am. Nicer, more patient, basically a saint. Ha! It turns out, I’m still a work-in-progress. I also used to resent being born in December. Does anyone but December babies understand the frustration of a birthday being absorbed by a larger holiday everyone else is busy celebrating? But now, I think of my December birthday as a sort of blessing–I get to share it with the Savior. I’m happy to be associated with Him and His birthday.
While 37 isn’t turning 30 or 40, it’s still a special time of life. I am literally surrounded by children who wow me every day. Like Evelyn–barely a decade on this earth and she’s baking us pineapple upsidedown cake.
Zoey’s one goal in life is to make people laugh. She’s a ray of sunshine and is so sweet that she can charm anyone without even trying.
Henry is my little man. He’s helpful and talkative, laughs at the drop of a hat and is going to be just as talented and skilled as Jack. He’s also not too macho to snuggle and give hugs.
Peter’s my little buddy. He has an independent streak that terrifies me sometimes, but more often than not, he’s in the middle of whatever I’m doing, doing his darndest to be helpful. Or, so he can learn to do it so he doesn’t need my help. Whatever. He’ll be helping Henry and the girls run this place in no time.
Kate blows me away every day. She could literally kill someone with the amount of kindness she has in her pinkie finger. She’s always got a smile on her face, is willing to hang out with her younger siblings, like when she drags Peter out in the wagon to collect the eggs so he can do some chores, too.
I am wowed by Claire and her constant creativity. She’s never met a piece of trash, can make hair into art, and sees the world as a beautiful place.
And, I wouldn’t have the honor of all these fantastic kids to teach, inspire, encourage, and spoil me without them learning it all from Jack. When I say, “Let’s rip up the kitchen floor so we can put a couple outlets in the island,” he says, “Alright.” How’d a girl like me get so lucky?
My 37th birthday wasn’t particularly flashy, but it was much appreciated. I took a nap while the kids baked my cake and decorated the house. Jack cooked dinner–a delicious feast of foods that we had 95% grown, harvested, and/or canned ourselves over the summer, then I waltzed out of the kitchen without having to rinse a single dish.
I opened a whole slew of presents from my family, parents, and in-laws. Does it ever get old having people spoil you? The highlight was probably the elf ears Jack gave me to complete my silly elf costume. Child at heart right here, everybody.
The cake the kids made was actually a mountain of several different kinds of chocolate, from lava cakes to brownies. They sang, we ate, and I felt particularly blessed that this is what life at 37 looks like. Can’t think of a better way to introduce a new year of life than to spend it with the ones who make it all so amazing.


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