Kristin working away on plaster removal.
 Dare I say it?  That there is one room in our house that is ENTIRELY complete?  It’s true!
When we moved in, it was almost impossible to choose which room to start first.  Not only was the whole house rundown, we were desperately trying to get it ready for Stoney to come live in our backyard.  Then it was compounded by the unexpected (but very happy) discovery that I was pregnant.  That skyrocketed a new bathroom, a baby’s nursery and a bedroom for us to the top of the list.
The room used to be purple!  The corresponding paint splatters on the trim were a telltale sign of where they belonged.
At eight months pregnant, we started on our room after having mostly completed a new upstairs bath and an adorable little nursery for the new baby.  It was hot, dusty work but my parents and my friend Kristin (an architect and connoisseur of old buildings and one of the few that could see the potential in our decrepit farmhouse) came to help.  In a few weeks, it was 80% completed and remained that way for the next few years.
With the seams all mudded, it was time to take the plunge and start sanding.
Returning from Texas, I had a new found focus when it came to the home improvements.  Most of the major renovations had been checked off our list and the remainder of the work lay in the details–trim, fixing seams, painting.  So, I choose the upstairs master bedroom and dove in.
By far the worst part of drywalling is the dust it inevitably produces.
It took a few weeks to fix some of the less-than-perfect seams I’d done earlier as well as planing, sanding, staining and varnishing the appropriate pieces of trim.  After hanging each piece and thoroughly cleaning the room from top to bottom, we had carpet installed to cover the old pinewood floor.  In a way, I’m going to miss the character the rough plaster walls and grooves in the floor where 100 years of resting beds in the same place had given the room.
Then again, it’s still the same old farmhouse, just with a new facelift.
One more goal to cross off the list!  Hooray!

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Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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