
I like the phrase Au Revoir more than Goodbye.  There’s such a finality with goodbye, like the separation is permanent, whereas au revoir translates basically into see you later.

It’s too early!

A few days ago, we said au revoir to our family and friends and began our trek toward Texas.  I got up early and went to feed my horses one last time.  They came galloping over to me when I arrived but only because I was dumping sweet feed into their buckets.  I bawled into their fuzzy coats, asked them to be good, hugged their necks and kissed the baby soft part of their muzzles.  I wish I could say it was like a magical, touching moment straight from a movie except they didn’t nicker when I cried or whiny frantically when I left.  They just kept giving me the unmistakable look: “Get off me lady.  I’m trying to eat.”  I love how frank horses can be.


We left shortly after waking.  I was able to contain any further waterworks by bidding farewell as quickly as I could.  It helped too that my sister and I were already planning a get together in Texas over spring break. 084-9326868
The vehicles were masterfully packed which allowed us to all ride in the truck and tow the car as a sort of trailer, stuffed full with our basic necessities.  It was interesting to watch the landscape change ever so slightly as we added on miles.  The soil became a little more red, we reached the point where meadowlarks overwinter, prickly pear cacti speckled the ground, armadillos became roadkill and we gawked as people scraped up those roadkilled armadillos (seriously, we watched someone pull over, get out of their truck and shovel and armadillo into their truck bed).

We asked Claire to drive when I got too tired . . .

We split the trip into two days and despite being limited in how fast we could drive and the need to take frequent potty breaks/diaper changes, we arrived at a reasonable time.  Aided by a few new acquaintances, all our belongings were unloaded within half an hour.  Another new friend stopped by and invited us to to dinner.  Not sure where our dishes were and down to only crackers and sour gummy worms to eat, we gratefully accepted.

Fixing the tarp…

Our electricity didn’t turn on by the time the sun fell so Jack gave the electric company a call.  They claimed they had until midnight to turn it on but apparently the technician had already flipped the switch.  It was our breaker box that was the problem–an easy fix except it was hidden behind an un-unlockable locked door.  Sigh.  So we set up beds, read scriptures and got ready for bed via flashlight.

We still feel like foreigners.  We have to print directions each time we venture out further than a mile from home.  The warm weather and green grass seems unnatural for the middle of winter.  I think I’m going through animal withdrawal too–it’s been almost three days since I’ve touched anything with fur or scales or feathers.  I’ve got plans to visit the local zoo very soon.

Hanging in the hotel halfway down to Texas.

Here will be home soon enough.  I imagine it will be hard to say goodbye when the time comes to go back to our home in Iowa.  It could become an au revoir if the company offers Jack a full time position.  Again, all a matter of time.

It looks like the sunsets down here are spectacular too.

I suppose the only thing we’ve really said goodbye to is the old year.  It was a good one but I’m already looking forward to the new.


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Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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