Loose Lips
The other day we put up a temporary fence to expand the horses’ pasture. Then Dancer got in trouble. Understandably,
The other day we put up a temporary fence to expand the horses’ pasture. Then Dancer got in trouble. Understandably,
A spiral of ground bee larvae and their older nurse bee sister. Jack is an avid apiarist. Of all the
The first time we introduced our cats to the great outdoors after being weaned, spayed/neutered and vaccinated, they were unsure
A few days ago, when it was so hot and sunny, we did the one thing that made any sense:
Stoney would like to show you how to properly get dirty. He has been, after all, perfecting this skill for
The baby elephant and older sibling taking a dip in the water. With the “official” commencement of summer starting with
We went through several deck belts for our riding mower until we figured out the problem and I could finally
On the way to some errands, the girls and I spotted a painted turtle on the road, dangerously close to
Though it has been since late January that I’ve been in the saddle, it’s been years that I’ve been on a
That’s not Crackers the goose… After the demise of my ENTIRE chicken flock thanks to a rascally neighborhood fox, it refueled
At the Indy 500 parade! This weekend, despite the promise of an extra day with Jack at home, has already
This is the first birthday that Evelyn has truly understood what her birthday would mean. Presents! Cake! A day of
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