Root Beer Flavored Honey
The bees have been sluggish lately, if active at all. They seem to have resigned themselves to autumn and don’t
The bees have been sluggish lately, if active at all. They seem to have resigned themselves to autumn and don’t
A spiral of ground bee larvae and their older nurse bee sister. Jack is an avid apiarist. Of all the
When you’ve got no air conditioning during those hot, humid summer days… …you’ve got to just stand outside with hundreds
The flowers are out in full bloom… …and good thing too. The bees are enjoying a bee buffet… …which means
Notice anything “off” about Jack’s photo? Compare his ears. Though he’s got notoriously ample earlobes to begin with, one of his
Around here, if you’re bored, you go outside and watch the bee hive. It’s The Rehomesteaders’ television.
Mmm. Wild honey. Last week, when we started tidying our house before the big move-in, Jack pulled down a light
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