Kitty Throne
A perfect perch as far as Hercules is concerned. Don’t bend over at our house: you may become a kitty
A perfect perch as far as Hercules is concerned. Don’t bend over at our house: you may become a kitty
Claire loves her kitties! It’s no secret that Claire loves cats. She wears clothes featuring cats, wants to be some
Our very own bonfire, sans children. Mostly. Jack and I had a hot date late night. Literally. Henry and Hercules
Yes, Kate dresses herself most days. If I had to describe Snickers and Hercules in one word, it’d be longsuffering.
Raven trying to get Hercules to scratch her tummy. I think we’ve finally reached equilibrium on the farm: all the
Uh, Snickers? You forgot something! After taking care of a few things outside, I walked to the back door when
The cats are always climbing something. So naturally the girls want to scale everything in creation as well. Snickers coaching
While I worked on the chicken coop and run for the girls’ three not-so-small-anymore chicks, it began to sprinkle. Seeking shelter,
We were outside putting in the first of the potatoes when I decided I should get a few things out
Amazingly, the little minnows Jack bought last summer have survived the winter (despite being dangerously low on water a few
Yes, Claire loves Raven. But she still loves her kitties too.
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