Indiana Mud
While reading a biography of Abraham Lincoln, I discovered the martyred president and our family have something in common: Indiana
While reading a biography of Abraham Lincoln, I discovered the martyred president and our family have something in common: Indiana
At the Indy 500 parade! This weekend, despite the promise of an extra day with Jack at home, has already
This is the first birthday that Evelyn has truly understood what her birthday would mean. Presents! Cake! A day of
A monumental battle between two ant colonies that went on for five DAYS. I know the nursery rhyme indicates that boys are
Jack and the girls make awesome travel companions. They slept at least six hours of our ten hour trip back
Jack claims he doesn’t have any particular sentiment regarding animals. Whatcha doin’? But they sure like him.
Around here, if you’re bored, you go outside and watch the bee hive. It’s The Rehomesteaders’ television.
Our neighbor tells us this was a mud wallow for pigs a few years back. That explains a lot. It
We were all hard at work when I noticed somebody was missing. “Claaaaaaiiiirrrre!” I scanned the yard until I saw
Though we supposedly have a snowstorm on the way, we received a reprieve from the chilly, un-springlike weather and took an opportunity to enjoy
Seriously, who needs toys when you’ve got piles of packing paper and dozens of emptied cardboard boxes? Not these kids.
While Hercules doesn’t seem to have any particular affinity to living indoors, Snickers has enjoyed her reprieve from the cold
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