Made Room
The girls have made room for Henry on the swings! If his enjoyment in the hammock were any indication, it’s
The girls have made room for Henry on the swings! If his enjoyment in the hammock were any indication, it’s
Licking out the bowls after we have a finished product. I confess, I’m not a fan of winter, or at
Driving the winding cowpaths of Indiana’s back roads. Every mother needs to get away once in a while for a
It was only a few weeks ago that we were celebrating Valentine’s Day with a massive chocolate party while it
That’s a pretty good bubble! The girls went to a birthday party the other day and each received a bubble
It seems like just yesterday that bright-eyed baby Kate was being washed in the sink by her doting big sisters.
Everyone has a piggy bank for their coins, too! A few Saturdays ago, we were near our bank and decided
Henry’s a lightweight compared to a sousaphone. A neighbor spotted us outside rounding up the maple sap while the girls played
We’ve been blessed to have fresh eggs all winter! Today was a sunny and warm late-February day, so the girls
She pities the fool. Mr. T has nothing on Miss C.
The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. ~Unknown
Keepin’ busy with toys and boxes from Christmas. Every day, I try to do a little painting. Heaven knows, this
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