Precious Jewels
The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. ~Unknown
The most precious jewels you’ll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children. ~Unknown
Keepin’ busy with toys and boxes from Christmas. Every day, I try to do a little painting. Heaven knows, this
Welcome to our perfect life. Rrrrright. Sometimes, I think I give the wrong impression. When I write about what project
A perfect perch as far as Hercules is concerned. Don’t bend over at our house: you may become a kitty
Yesterday was our wedding anniversary and we celebrated number nine! Married f-o-r-e-v-e-r! Hooray! The day started out like most: I
Lift! The girls were gifted a set of rock climbing grips and since we’ve had a mild winter since returning
Taking silly pictures while staying up, waiting for midnight. Bonus points if you can guess what movie we watched. 2015
Make a wish! Recently, Claire celebrated her fifth birthday. Her birth marked the beginning of my adventure as a stay-at-home
My cooler runneth over. After Jack came home from scout camp, he taught the girls the following chant: Don’t give
Watching me paint is exciting. Sooooo exciting!
The fam. I love autumn and therefore, I love Thanksgiving. Not only is the food delicious and the extra time
The girls have been happily chattering for weeks what they’d do once it finally snowed. Well, surprise, surprise, they got their
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