Dragonfly versus Mayfly
Claire is an entomologist for sure. There are very few bugs that she’ll scream at when she sees, and usually,
Claire is an entomologist for sure. There are very few bugs that she’ll scream at when she sees, and usually,
On the day we celebrate fathers, husbands, men and father figures, Jack is our shining star. He works hard to
Jack’s all set for a week at camp. There’s a popular children’s song at church entitled, I’m So Glad When
Kids have it so rough. This Saturday, the girls were having picnics, eating candy, swimming in their pool, playing with the
The day wouldn’t be complete without someone climbing up something. Climbing has long been a tradition with the girls. Evelyn
Kate waiting her turn to practice before her first horse show. Weekends are especially precious to us. They’re not only a
Kate running back after feeding the horses an early morning carrot. Happiness is going out early in the morning, while
Evelyn and her birthday cake Belle. Evelyn recently celebrated her sixth birthday–how time has flown! It seems like only yesterday, we
Kate headed to the show ring. We’re hot, tired and spent the day in the sun and on our feet,
We had a small gathering of friends for a pre-birthday party for Evelyn. Of course, just about everything we’d planned
Starting with groundwork. Jack came home about a month ago to find me sobbing in the middle of the paddock
The flower boxes Jack and the girls put up. Another Mother’s Day has come and gone and with it, has
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