An Uphill Battle (Literally)
Earlier this week, I received a surprise in the mail–the toll bridge fee for driving from Indiana into Kentucky on
Earlier this week, I received a surprise in the mail–the toll bridge fee for driving from Indiana into Kentucky on
I’ve heard it said that no one ever goes camping to get a good night’s rest. Between unpredictable weather, less
Fresh cut flowers from the garden…and warming up with hot chocolate after picking them. Ironic, huh? There’s something I enjoy
A newly transformed dragonfly. Ever since my first entomology job in college, I’ve become more and more interested in insects.
Many hands make light work. One of our reoccurring family goals is to have a garden growing every year. It
Found a pheasant back mushroom! Since Peter showed up, Jack has been home from work the past couple of days.
It’s amazing how much rock weighs. Phew! Spring cleaning and nesting is a deadly combination and something I’ve experienced a
Claire trying her hand at woodchopping. I think I write a lot about our family doing chores, mostly because that’s
This year’s garden actually began way back during Thanksgiving 2017. We’d recently moved into our new home and hadn’t had
So much clover. So many bees. Most nights, we try to do a family project together, whether it’s pulling a
Being outside is the best! Though Earth day isn’t a major holiday to us–it’s no Easter or Christmas or Halloween–it’s
Raven…about the only one who’s glad to see snow. To say that spring has been bizarre this year is an
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