Snake in the Grass
Our new friend. It’s not often that Claire is scared by things so when she comes running to me, crying
Our new friend. It’s not often that Claire is scared by things so when she comes running to me, crying
A flyby of sandhill cranes. After a long drive returning home from Nebraska, I was eager to get some fresh
One of the perpetrators. No hair, thin body, no barbed stinger: a yellowjacket I was innocently mowing the yard and
Yep. Those are ALL bees. Just as we were getting ready to leave, I was powdering my nose when Evie
Claire’s damsel fly buddy. It’s a really good thing we like bugs, especially around here. If we didn’t, we’d be
So ugly they’re cute! The week before a trip is always busy but I decided to go ahead and take
Though Jack often is away at work, slaying dragons working to provide for his family, his heart is never far
We got one! The girls have long wanted to go fishing to actually catch a fish. This past Friday, we were
I love long weekends for several reasons: Jack gets to be home with us for longer, there’s more time to
Guarding the door. I was hoping the harder-than-normal winter would have “taken care” of a few of the abundant insects
We had a wild and crazy evening hanging up the newly arrived praying mantis pods. Hatch babies, hatch!
Jack had Friday off so we wasted no time. We hung around home for the first part of the day,
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