
Remember that party that happened at my house the other day?  Well, it came to an abrupt halt.  Mother Nature, in her over-the-top Iowan style gave another grandiose display, this time of wind.


The morning was quite calm and bleak, which was fine with me.  I was planning on enjoying the predicted unseasonably warm temperatures by getting a few tasks completed outdoors.  By the time we returned home from grocery shopping, the low-hanging gray clouds had tumbled away and we instead had to battle gusts of wind and debris as we toted our food inside.


There isn’t really an effective way to take a picture of wind, so Evelyn and I stood outside for a few minutes with our hair loose.

Can you tell there was quite the breeze?


Thank goodness trees are flexible.  I’m astounded how supple they are when a hard wind blasts through their branches.  They wouldn’t last long in Iowa if they weren’t able to give a little.


We didn’t stay out long.  Between the strength of the wind almost pushing us over, the stinging lash of hair on our faces and dodging the black walnut bombs crashing down, we quickly retreated inside.


It’s easy to moan about the weather patterns out here being so extreme but there always seem to be a bright side.


The twelve-spotted lady bugs have all passed, the risk of being conked on the head by a black walnut has significantly reduced and the gale force winds are a good reminder of how sturdy our house is.


Not a single window rattles now!  Best of all, the day after is always particularly beautiful.  Wouldn’t enjoy the calm autumn breeze without a reminder of the occasional whirlwind, now could we?


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