The girls and I invited Hanzel over for a much needed bath this morning. He enjoyed some time at home with us and though he didn’t particularly love the water aspect of bathing, there was no denying he relished being scratched all over while being shampooed. We also found out he’s quite the snuggler when we sat on the ground–he strolled over and curled up beside us. Here’s hoping a bath and a good comb through will make him more attractive to a potential adopter!
We returned Hanzel and decided to head to the park for an hour with another dog. Someone pointed out Buffy, mentioning that she was good with children. Yes, she sure is. She rivals Mona in sweetness and I just can’t get over her scruffy face. It’s the epitome of an adorable mutt!
She plopped down in the back seat and loved the attention from the girls, offering the occasional kiss–nothing too slobbery, just a tender sign of affection.
Buffy has a little learning to do while on the leash, not that she’s a puller but the notion of staying on one side of me while walking was a bit confusing. With a bit of practice, she improved notably in the short time we spent together. She’s a smart girl for sure. Once she got the idea, she powered ahead in a straight line.
Buffy manifested some of the funny dog quirks too. Evelyn’s shoe slipped off and she took the chance to stick her nose in for a nice long sniff. She mildly gnawed on a stick but didn’t mind when I tested her and pulled it from her mouth. Though we didn’t see much wildlife, she spotted a butterfly and eagerly jumped at it when it came close.
Her patience was impeccable too. While the kids picked flowers or fawned over her with hugs, she stood quietly until we were ready to go. I could just see the wheels in her head spinning as she kept herself occupied with her own thoughts. If she was ever bored, excited or overwhelmed, she never vocalized it.
She’s on our radar for a bath tomorrow. Though her hair looks wiry, it’s actually quite soft and I have a feeling with some soap and brushing, it’ll be pretty silky. Then she’ll be all ready for a weekend adoption!