Our camp set up.

For Jack’s birthday weekend, we were going to go to a fun-looking amusement park a few hours away from us, but with rain guaranteed in the forecast to the south, we did the next best thing: went camping.

Jack set up his trusty hammock. His Eagle Scout knot tying skills don’t disappoint!
Now that we have our new car, we had plenty of space in the back to really jam pack it full of the comforts of home–I brought a fouton mattress, a hide-a-bed mattress, the tent, blankets, food, folding chairs…the works! I love camping, but if I’m going to go, I might as well be comfortable, right? It’s like our very own hotel out in the wilderness (maybe we’ll start referring to camping as staying in the wilderness hotel).
Going for a walk to the park after dinner.
Sometimes we go all wild and crazy while camping–going fishing, swimming or on looooong canoe trips, but this time, we kept it simple. After setting up camp, we had a hot meal and meandered around to go play at the parks and stretch our legs. Temperature-wise, the weather was perfect but since it had just rained buckets (or leeches, haha), it was a bit soggy in spots. We did our best to avoid stepping in the mud, but…
Daddy pushing them around on the tire swing.
…Kate took a running jump…
Why so sad, Kate?
…and fell right in the mud.
Cold and wet.

 Sure she could clear the spot, Evelyn actually went back to the same mud puddle to show us all she could fly over it. Well…

Cold and wet, too.
…she slipped and fell, too. Almost half of us retreated back to the tent with soggy, wet hind ends.

The sun went down quickly and everyone got into their jammies while Jack stoked the fire for some s’mores. It didn’t take long to gobble down the marshmallows and then, we sent everyone off to bed. It took the kids a little while to settle and fall asleep–something about camping wears them out, but makes them too wired to rest. Once they did, it was a quiet night, listening to a few early crickets and spotting some pre-summer lightning bugs.

Everyone get a good night’s rest?

Other than the rain that showed up unexpectedly, Henry getting clotheslined by Raven and slipping in the mud, it was a pretty fun first-of-the-season campout and hopefully one of many!

Waiting for dinner to cook.

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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