I know I’m jumping the gun a bit on goals for the new year, but I like being prepared.  While some are short term, most are certain to take a year or more so I’m anxious to start them as soon as possible.  I figure writing and posting them will help me be more organized, accountable and better able to track my progress.  After all, I do love lists.

The Rehomesteaders Goals

Personal (mostly just for fun!)


  • Donate blood
  • Donate breast milk
  • Sew a quilt
  • Have a year of food storage
  • Be able to do the splits….
  • Prepare a six generation family history chart

Home Improvements

  • (This list is certain to be added upon)
  • Complete kitchen
  • Repaint, hang trim, finish cabinets, seal tile, etc upstairs bathroom
  • Repaint, carpet, finish trim in master bedroom  Dare I Say It? 25 July 2012
  • Complete downstairs bathroom (hang drywall, putty, paint, finish cabinets and floor, etc)
  • Putty, sand, paint, trim and carpet downstairs bedroom Oh yeah! 16 Oct 2012 Bunk Bed Room
  • Complete front entry
  • Complete living room  One of my favorite spaces! The Living Room 21 Nov 2012
  • Complete back entry
  • Complete stairwell
  • Hang gutters
  • Fix stairs to cellar and remove cellar door
  • Put in central air Thank goodness (this was the summer to do it!) Chicken Claws and Kitty Paws 27 June 2012
  • Build shutters Yay! 11 Oct 2012 Shutter Factory
  • When the time comes, sell the house (hopefully for a profit!)
Farm Life
  • Get a goat! Well, we got two and they’ve already taught us a lot 12 Aug 2012 A Lesson In Faith
  • Start a honey beehive
  • Teach Stoney and Dancer to pull a cart or carriage
  • Get Kune Kune pigs
  • Breed Dancer
  • Learn how to make cheese
Health, Fitness and Sports
  • Run a 5k
  • Run a 10k
  • Run a half marathon
  • Run a full marathon
  • Complete a triathlon
  • Take Dancer to a show
  • Compete in a dressage show
  • Compete in a jumping show (either show jumping or hunter classes)
  • Compete in a two day horse trial
  • Compete in a three day horse trial
  • Compete internationally (a girl can always dream…)
  • Pay off credit cards
  • Pay off Rachael’s student loans
  • Pay off Jack’s student loans
  • Build a $1000 emergency fund
  • Build a one month emergency fund
  • Build a six month emergency fund
  • Pay off mortgage
  • Pay for next vehicle with cash
  • Reach 10,000 blog reads Thank you all! 4 April 2012 A Milestone!
  • Reach 25,000 blog reads Reached September 2012
  • Reach 50,000 blog reads
  • Guest blog
  • Have a guest blogger
  • Interview an author for a blog post Yay! Dustin Kuhlman’s WarnedShayla Danielson 12 Sept 2012
  • Publish an article online or in a magazine
  • Write a book proposal for The Rehomesteaders Memoir
  • Publish The Rehomesteaders Memoir
  • Write a children’s picture book
  • Publish a children’s picture book
  • Write a young reader chapter book
  • Publish a young reader chapter book
  • Write a young adult novel
  • Publish a young adult novel
  • Write an adult fiction novel
  • Publish an adult fiction novel
This list will is lofty and ambitious and will therefore be ongoing and ever changing.  If you have suggestions, encouragement or want to let me know I’m crazy, speak up!

3 Responses

  1. That is an awesome list! I feel such a sense of accomplishment when I am able to cross something off my list – plus having the encouragement of the blog community helps to spur you on! As far as doing a guest blog post, I might be able to help you with that one. I've been kicking around doing a guest blog post week and wanted to have you participate in it. I'll email you about it!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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