
This frosty little drink is tons healthier than sugar-packed shaved ice and slushies because it’s made with fruit and sweetened primarily by honey (although it can be sweetened to taste by any sweetener of choice).  It’s a great way to use up some watermelon and to cool off on a hot summer day.



2 to 3 cups frozen watermelon cubes
1 frozen banana
1/2 cup water (use more as needed but be careful not to use too much or the taste will be lost)
Strained juice of 1/2 lemon or 1 lime
Sweetener to taste–try honey, maple syrup, sugar, low-cal sweetener, etc

It’s a great way to let kids help in the kitchen as long as you keep an eye on them to make sure they aren’t pushing buttons when they shouldn’t.
 Place all ingredients in the blender and puree until smooth.  Serve immediately and enjoy!
Recipe adapted from Mel’s Kitchen Cafe.

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