Plenty of space for the horses, a couple of cats, chickens, ruminants and a garden.

We didn’t waste time looking for a new place to call our own.  While Jack trained for his new job, the girls and I logged numerous miles in search of the next place to rehomestead.  We found several acreages with breathtaking amounts of land but with a tiny house or an uncomfortably long drive to work for Jack.  Plus, none of them had that right feeling.  Until this week.

We made an offer on a 1970’s house that has a good five acres and is within 30 minutes of Jack’s job.  It’s got character for sure and is another fixer upper, but I think everyone knows that doesn’t scare us away.
We’re sure you’re just dying to see it.  We won’t tease long–we’ll show you once all the papers are signed and the keys are handed over.  It might not work out–this isn’t our first home purchase or offer and it’s made us a bit wary.  However, Evelyn already announced it’s her new house.

We’re hoping she’s right.

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3 Responses

  1. That's wonderful news! I just started following your blog a few weeks ago and was so sad to see that you had to leave behind all that you started. I'm sad for your move but so excited that you get to start anew. There's nothing quite like moving to refresh the spirit. Good luck with everything!

  2. Thank you Meredith! Yes, there are definitely some benefits to moving. We are so pleased to have found a suitable place so quickly–it's got a great house, some land and is a close commute for Jack. It'll definitely be some work but that's what we like to do! Hope you have fun following our new adventures!

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Our budding family

Welcome to the farm!

True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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