
Yesterday, we made a mad dash to bring the horses home.  We had worked long and hard all week, setting posts, nailing staples and pulling fence.  Saturday, we decided was the day.

Stoney is the epitome of a big brother–he had his own hay bag and decided to eat from Dancer’s instead.

We live in what could be described as a retirement community and are the youngest family by at least 30 years.  Our house is rural, yet in a neighborhood where everyone has five acres side by side.  The older neighbors spend their days mowing and herding their small, yappy dogs so when we went to take cookies and introduce ourselves, we immediately had new friends and surrogate grandparents.


One couple, who also has horses, even lent us their truck and trailer to go fetch ours.  Of all the things I needed this week, a way to haul the horses was at the top of the list.  Their offer was a miracle as far as I’m concerned.

We loaded up the girls, fetched the horses and brought them to their new home.  So the question, how do they like it?

I’ll let Stoney and Dancer tell you.
Did you catch her holding her tail like a flag (a telltale sign of equine joy) and the series of excited bucks?  Stoney would join her if he wasn’t busy chowing down on delicious, tender green grass.
They’re in heaven.

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3 Responses

  1. That is brilliant!! I got shivers when i watched the video of Dancer galloping!! Its so awesome to see a horse so happy it gallops around! It has always been a happy sight for me ever since i first saw balck beauty!! lol

    Jen xxx

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