The Great Mount (see the ditches on both sides?). I wonder if ancient peoples met here to roast s’mores and tell ghost stories…
This week has felt like summer is winding down, even though it’s still a good two months away to the official end of the season. Evelyn will be off to school in no time and the cool weather we’ve been enjoying feels more like autumn than the blazing hot that should be scorching us in late July.
We love ourselves a good board walk.
So, we decided to take a camping trip. We packed up the gear and arrived at Mounds State Park just in time to find out the campground was full (BUMMER!) but since we’d already taken the hour drive, we decided to stay a few hours and look around.
Admiring a modern-made-ancient-style canoe.
Mounds was incredibly interesting because of, well, the mounds.  There are several man made mounds around the property that were constructed by ancient people in America. Their purpose, shape and frequency of use was a mystery but it was terribly interesting to walk on ground that I knew people were walking on about two thousand years ago.
Overlooking White River.
We hiked the trails and though the dimming light made the forest a bit eerie, it was a very tranquil, easy trip.
Evie’s a pro at catching lightening bugs.
When we had visited all of the mounds, we stopped at the playground and enjoyed some time running around. We taught the girls the art of firefly catching and Evie found a little toad underfoot.
Kate isn’t keen on bugs, but was excited to hold a toad.
It was a fun, quick trip with all the benefits of camping, minus a restless night’s sleep (can’t say I didn’t mind sleeping in my own bed).  We’re going to enjoy summer while it lasts!
Everyone enjoyed the hike, including Raven. I think her cowardliness may be wearing off.

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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