Worlds of Fun!
One of the planned activities for our family reunion was a trip to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City, Missouri. I was probably as excited as the girls to go since it was their first time to a theme park and it was one of my favorite destinations as a teenager.
Meeting Snoopy.

The girls’ cousin Kaylee even got to come with us which the girls thought was extra exciting. We wasted no time getting down there and as soon as the gates opened, we hoofed it to the kiddie rides.

Kaylee and Evie figured out how to fly. Claire and Kate, no quite.

Everyone but Kate was giddy with excitement the moment they stepped into the park but after a few tears and forcing convincing her to ride the roller coaster, she was running from ride to ride like the other kids.

Grandma doing what grandmas do best: watching grandbabies.
The entire morning was spent in the kids’ section, which was no surprise: they were having a blast and though I enjoy a good thrill ride myself, it was a lot of fun watching the kids scream with excitement as they rode the planes, the roller coaster…
Getting ready to start the roller coaster.
…the race cars…
Fun on the race cars.
(I think the cars were one of Kate’s favorites, despite repeatedly smacking her head as we rounded the track)
Kate loved the race cars.
…the beetles…
Driving the bugs around.
…the boats…
Taking a boat ride.
 …the swings…
Kate wishing she were tall enough for the swings.
 …the mini Detonator… 
Fun on a mini-Detonator.
 …the rocket…
Taking a trip over the top of the kiddie rides.
…and the Viking Voyager.
Heading out on the Viking Voyager.
Kate even got to ride the Viking Voyager once despite being three inches too short.  As Jack was about to step in, there was a boat malfunction and it took off with him half in it, so, with Kate in his arms, he jumped in. She loved the drop.
By the third or fourth time, the girls liked the drop.
It took a few rides for the older girls to prove that plummeting drops are exciting. After a quick picnic lunch, we headed back to the park and went over to Oceans of Fun. We tried the wave pool (that just knocked the girls over) and a rowdy “big kids” area (where the water was freezing and mischievous little boys were ready at every turn to dump buckets of water on unsuspecting children) before finding a tranquil-yet-fun kids area with slides galore (and water no deeper than two feet). Everyone was reenergized though not at all happy to leave for dinner (think over-the-top meltdowns as we headed for the car).
One of the last rides open: the Ferris wheel!
Once the kids were settled with grandma and grandpa at the hotel, we dashed back for a few precious hours of ride time in the evening. The lines were pretty long so we only made it to four rides but it was an enjoyable date night.
The result of a day of fun.

My sister is already making plans for a trip with our families next year and I’ll admit, I’m looking forward to it too.

This sums up our day.
They don’t call it Worlds of Fun for nothin’.

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