
After finding someone nearby who was selling chicks at a reasonable price, I set up a time to swing by and pick them up. Then I texted Jack, “Do you want to go with me Saturday morning to pick up some chicks? We’d have to leave about 7am.” Apparently he was snickering with his coworkers (Hey–my wife just asked if I wanted to go pick up chicks with her) and after some jovial teasing where I completely forgot the slang use of chicks, he agreed to go with me to pick up poultry. Hey, when I say chicks, I mean baby chickens.

Ready for the drive home.

We let the girls all pick their own then got a couple extra and it seems we’ve ended up with a barred rock, Rhode Island red, a black sex-link and two unknown white chicks who should manifest their breeding soon enough. Originally I thought Leghorns which are good layers, but they’ve got some extra coloring in their feathers that has made me second guess.

Getting settled in.

Now they are safe and sound at home and since they were born in the winter, they’ll be ready to lay eggs in early spring throughout mid-autumn. The girls are excited to have some cute chicks for a while and I’m excited for the pending collection of fresh eggs.

Feeding frenzy.

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