Made it to 20,000 page views in a month!

I’ve recently been reviewing my goals for the year to see how I’m doing. Some areas have petered to a halt, like running. I ran for the first several months of pregnancy but eventually, it wasn’t worth the discomfort. But, now that Henry’s here, I’m looking forward to running again, perhaps racing with one of the girls or Raven. Some goals, well, they’ve kind of happened on their own, like reaching 20,000 page views in a month.


Between Henry’s birth, the temple cultural celebration and a recipe featured on an external website, my stats went over 20,000 page views this past month. It’s one of those goals that I didn’t have a lot of control over but it was fun to see accomplished.


I also had the goal of making a hammock since Jack loves them so much. Since I couldn’t find the time to try and make one, the girls and I ended up buying one for Jack for Father’s Day…then we had to exchange them–twice–since I’d forgotten Jack is a hammock snob and apparently, we’d bought the wrong ones. It’s been a good investment though. Everyone, including Henry, enjoys laying in it. I’ll even admit to sitting in it a time or two, despite my fear of falling out of them.

Close to meeting my indexing goal for the year!

Other goals are coming along nicely, like the horses’ new pasture and shed.  I’m close to my goal of indexing 1,000 records in a year on Family Search, a friend helped prepare a will in exchange for some buckeye cookies, we’ve planted two peach and two apple trees (I’d still like to get pear and cherry trees, too!) in our “orchard” (we don’t have a set spot for fruit trees–they’re kind of scattered about the property), I published another book and though I missed the Rolex this year, I’ll be ordering a highlights tape so I can live vicariously through the filmed version.

My second novel–click here to purchase!

I’m pleased with how things are coming along on my list of goals for 2015. How are you doing on yours?

Can I count giving birth as an accomplishment for 2015???

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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