
Because Independence Day fell on a Tuesday this year, we didn’t make it back to Nebraska for our usual family gathering. It’s always kind of a bummer to not to be able to be near family for celebrations but true to form, Jack made the day fun for everyone.

We spent a good portion of the day working around the house but after dinner when the sun started going down, Jack pulled out the fireworks and let the explosions begin.


The parachutes are always a hit and really, I think the kids had a lot of fun because they weren’t competing with dozens of other kids for the shot to catch a parachute. Afterward, everyone got a turn to light a couple of their own fireworks before Jack lit off the big ones for our very own private show. The girls ooo-ed and awww-ed while Henry loved jumping up, running and screaming in mock-terror.

Run screaming!

Even Zoey was entertained by the bright lights and did her best to sit up and watch. It was a quiet fourth but it was a good fourth.

Zoey taking a peek.

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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