Big, beautiful Twinkle.
Twinkle is one lucky rooster.

A few years ago, we were given three Easter chicks, who all ended up being roosters. Twinkle, who should have been a hen, was the one fortunate rooster who didn’t end up butchered. He’s had a good life, watching over a small flock of hens and given free range to roam as he pleased. As far as roosters went, he was a pretty good one, though once in a while, he got the boot when he confused the kids or us as a threat and came flying with spurs pointed. As the years passed, he fathered dozens of chicks and Licorice did such a good job raising them that eventually, it became time for him to move along to prevent inbreeding and to introduce new bloodlines into the flock.

Meet Bob.

Earlier in the year, we hatched some adorable chicks out of blue eggs for my mom’s birthday. I was hoping to get a few for ourselves but with moving, having more chickens wasn’t prioritized on the top of the to do list. The chicks grew and not really a surprise, one of them ended up being a striking cockrel. As beautiful as he is, he’s not allowed in town, where my mom’s flock lives. So, I looked for someone to take Twinkle instead of having to butcher him–it seemed a shame to have to off him to make room for the new model of rooster but if we couldn’t find anyone to take him, it would have become necessary. There is no kindness between grown roosters and it can cause havoc among a flock as they incessantly fight. Within hours of Bob, the new rooster, showing up, we found a home for Twinkle, who was consequently saved from the butcher’s block.

Not exactly traveling in style but I think it’s safe to say Twinkle is happy to still have his head.

Twinkle went to a family who is just getting started with chickens and Bob is now getting used to having a new set of girls to hang out with. Here’s hoping to him being able to produce some chicks who’ll lay blue eggs. Guess we’ll find out in a year or so!

Welcome to the farm, Bob and au dieu, Twinkle!

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True stories of raising children, remodeling, braving the elements and plotting out life, all while living on a humble acreage in central Indiana.

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