Captain Jack.

Before I had my own mini-adventure at girl’s camp, wrangling snakes and all, Jack had his own adventure out in North Carolina. He’d been called out on a last minute trip to show his virtual reality project to some high ranking General and other military personnel. After his demo, Jack and his coworker had time to head out onto the ocean…for shark fishing.

His first black tip shark catch.

They chummed the water and threw their lines in. Within ten minutes, Jack had one on his hook and managed to get it onto the boat. The next was a much larger, five-foot shark that gave them a run for their money. Jack battled it for forty-five minutes before handing it over to his coworker to have a turn. Just as they were about to pull it into the (so-tiny-the-shark-would’ve-nibbed-off-his-toes, or so Jack tells me) boat, the line broke and the shark swam away. Such is the risk of shark fishing.


Once the chum ran out, they decided to do some “regular” fishing and were reeling in plenty of mackerel. Not quite as impressive of a catch, I guess.


One of my to-do items is to someday see wild horses. Typically, people think of the mustangs out in the West of the United States, but there are some populations of wild horses on a few islands out East. Most of them are descendants of shipwreck survivors and they live quiet lives on their little isolated islands.

The horses of Carrot Island.
Before anyone feels too sorry for me not being able to go with Jack, please note that I don’t have particularly strong sea legs and just watching the video of him fishing about made me seasick (a fact I put to the test when we went swimming with wild dolphins…yep, not made for the life on the sea after I lost my lunch over the side of the boat). I do plan on going to one of the densely horse-populated islands someday but I’m totally okay with leaving the shark fishing to Jack…at least until someone cures motion sickness.
Generals. Sharks. Horses. What a trip!


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