It’s been nearly five years since Raven joined our family but it seems like she’s been around all along. She really is a great dog, and enjoys being in the thick of things, especially if it involves being outside, around the kids, or if there’s a ball for her to chase.
Photo bomber. |
One of the best qualities she has is that she is an absolute gem around the kids. While we teach all the children to be gentle with the animals, sometimes babies and toddlers just don’t grasp the concept. Even while being tugged or jumped on, she patiently enjoys whatever attention she’s receiving.
She’s even happy to share her crate with any visitors.
As a multipurpose pet, one of Raven’s favorite things to do is help pull the stroller around the neighborhood. She’s a great pacesetter and has improved in confidence with each trip out.
Mowers, squirrels, cars, and plastic bags no longer intimidate her, though if we’re chased down by an unfettered neighborhood dog, she’s basically useless. That’s alright. I have no trouble taking care of vicious dogs and sending them running, tucktail back home.
She even loves running up the driveway with the kids to wave goodbye to visiting friends and family.
Thankfully, Raven has come out of her shell in the years since she’s been a part of the farm.
At first, the horses were terrifying to her, but now, she doesn’t blink when they’re close by. In fact, when they’re getting their hooves trimmed, it’s practically impossible to keep her away as she sneaks hoof pieces to gnaw on.
Another fun thing Raven has learned since arriving is that it’s fun to chase and retrieve a ball, which makes getting her exercise in when we’re unable to go jogging a lot easier. She’ll run down everything from a tennis ball, to soccer balls, to my wool dryer balls that somehow end up outside.
Snowballs also count as chaseable balls.
Speaking of snow, of the whole family, nobody loves snow more than Raven. It certainly makes it less miserable going out in the cold when Raven is running circles around us.
Though Raven is completely at home in the barn, she isn’t solely confined to the farm.
She’s very well0traveled and loves a family car ride.
We’ve taken her camping…
Waiting for someone to come over to pet her. |
…to the local feed store…
…to grandma and grandpa’s house, where she keeps a watchful eye over the kids as they play outside…
…and even a few hotel stays.
Really, as long as she can be near us (and it’s not too wild and crazy–she makes her appearances most often when the house is quiet), she’s happy.
My writing buddy. |
Though Raven has the potential from her sheer size to be a dominant dog, she is so docile that little Nova bossed her around.
When it comes to playing with her puppy friends, she’s all in, but would never seriously hurt anyone. That’s about as rough and tumble as she ever gets and even then, it’s all in good fun.
When Raven’s not running with the horses, chasing a tennis ball, or playing with her friends, her favorite pasttime is being brushed. Even having her nails trimmed, she willingly rolls over and lets me give her a quick manicure.
She also makes a willing, impromptu pillow.
And on a hot summer day, she’s even taught herself to swim after the girls coaxed her into the water. It might not be her very favorite thing to do, but she seems to recognize that it’s the quickest way to cool off.
We love Raven and are so happy that she fits into our life so well as an all-around dog.
She’s a farm dog, city dog, family dog, friendly dog, useful dog, cuddly dog, healthy dog, happy dog, and basically, the perfect dog for us.